COVID-19 Production Information

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COVID Production Guidelines

The Faculty of Animation, Arts and Design in concert with Sheridan College’s COVID-19 Campus Policy has developed the ‘Faculty Guide to Production’ in order to assist and better navigate the requirements when teaching on/off campus.  This guide provides simple strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to keep everyone safe. 

Given the unpredictable nature of the pandemic and the impact that a shift in provincial and institutional health and safety guidelines may have on production, faculty are encouraged to dissuade students from developing scripts and production plans that are dependent on off-campus locations.

Due to COVID-19, Sheridan College recommends remote delivery for all courses and on-campus facility use only when absolutely necessary. 

Sheridan COVID Standards

Productions must work within enhanced Health and Safety procedures informed by Sheridan COVID Guidelines which are aligned with Industry COVID protocols from Section 21 Film and Television Health and Safety Advisory Committee of the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.

The guidelines within this handbook have been developed to meet Sheridan guidelines and principles.

  1. Physical Distancing
  2. Personal Protective Equipment
  3. Set & Equipment Cleaning
  4. Contact Tracing

Guiding Principles

Planning related to film productions within this COVID context has been informed by the following guiding principles.

  • Minimal to no presence on-campus. Access to campus must be a requirement of PLO.
  • Institutional review of all physical presence activities on and off campus.
  • All campus access and student interaction must go through SOP process.
  • Courses are to go as low-tech as possible aligned to learning outcomes. (PLO, CLO)

Overview of Stakeholders

The guidelines, local-area procedures and SOPs presented below, were developed in consultations with the stakeholders listed below:

  • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
  • Facilities Management
  • Insurance
  • Human Resources
  • Faculty
  • Technologists
  • Documentation from Industry groups
    • ACTRA
    • IATSE
    • DGC
    • Other craft specialists

You may need to sign in to your Sheridan Office365 account in order to access many of the files below.

Sheridan Policy

Filming and Production

Production Oversight

Does not Require
Location Supervision

Does not require review
  • Follow the Sheridan COVID policy
  • Complete all required COVID modules and quizzes (as directed by individual courses)
  • Follow your region’s public health regulations (masks, physical distancing, etc)
  • No Sheridan equipment

All students MUST complete the General COVID safety module & quiz, and follow public health regulations and the Sheridan COVID policy.

No Location Supervision;
Specified protocols apply

Requires Review BY FACULTY
  • Reduced crew (2 actors/subjects, 3 crew, max. 5 people)
  • Crew positions = Director, DOP, Sound.
  • Smaller crews/cast/subjects may go out.
  • Exterior locations only
  • Using Sheridan equipment 

Check-in with faculty during filming is required

  • phone call
  • text message with time stamped photos or video

Equipment and CER:

  • booked through
  • curbside pick-up by appointment 
  • equipment is limited to 1 C300, 1 tripod, a flexfill or similar, 1 sound recorder & TBD microphones

All students MUST complete ALL the required BFTV safety modules and quizzes as required by their faculty and follow public health regulations and the Sheridan COVID.

Location Supervision

requires review BY FACULTY, TECHS, PROD. COORD, Assoc. DEAN
  • Groups larger than 5
  • Using Sheridan equipment
  • Sheridan locations
  • Off-campus interiors (limited)
  • Off-campus exteriors (limited)

Technologist/Technician on set

Equipment and CER:

All students MUST complete ALL the required BFTV safety modules and quizzes as required by their faculty and follow public health regulations and the Sheridan COVID.


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

In preparation for supporting production in the Winter 2021 semester, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) will be required. SOPs are developed by program Technologists in consultation with faculty, Occupational Health & Safety, Facilities Management, and Administration . In alignment with Sheridan COVID Guidelines, each course that requires access to Sheridan spaces and technology require an SOP.

External Resources